Monday, September 25, 2017

Week 1 Weigh In

Heaviest weight: 227
Starting weight: 225
Goal weight: 160
Current BMI: ~39
Goal BMI: <29

Current weight: 216.4
Change: -8.6 pounds

-no significant change in BMI yet, but a loss of 8.6 pounds!!
-no blood tests completed since before WW
-less irritable bowel symptoms, no significant changes in skin
-unsure if it's more energy, but feeling better
-didn't spend any money on food last week other than my trips to Kroger and Target for groceries!

Smart Points / Day: 32 (down one from last week)
Weekly Bonus Points: 42
Fit Point Goal: 31
Blue dot days (from beginning): 9/10 days

Next session: Saturday, September 30 at 2:30pm.

3/3 for last week
- planned meals ahead of time (except for Saturday and Sunday, but not mad at myself for it)
- followed the plan (no wasted food!! had some I had to freeze because it didn't sound good but will eat later)
- relaxed with coworkers at a work party (went overboard on drinking but I'm still learning!)

"Unofficial" Action Plan for next week:
- I will reach my step goal 5/7 days. 
- I will follow my meal plan.
- I will spend time outside (once it's not 90 degrees)

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

WW Adventure

This past year has presented several different medical providers all giving me the same feedback ... 

"Lower your BMI"
"Follow a diabetic diet"
"Make healthier choices"
"Don't eat fast food"
"Get more active"
"Manage your stress better"
"Reduce your alcohol use"
"Eat more green, leafy vegetables"

...the first few times, I was angry, upset, sad. "How dare they try and tell me how to handle my life? They know nothing about me!" 

Well, as of 9/14/17 I became a member of Weight Watchers again (Timehop just reminded me of a short stint of WWs in 2014 - which obviously didn't work). I signed up for WW online + coaching for three months. With my schedule and personality, I thought that a personal coach would be more beneficial than meetings. 

My decision to join WW was because none of doctors actually said "lose weight" but in my mind that is what I heard. WW is all about changing your lifestyle and I think I'm in a place in my life where I am ready (and need) to make the change. Weight Watchers is meant to be a life-long process - not a quick fix. By monitoring what types of food I'm putting into my body and the amount, I will learn what my body needs. WW might have revamped since my last go-around because I don't remember there being a fitness focus, but there is now. 

Heaviest weight: 227
Starting weight: 225
Goal weight: 160
Current BMI: ~39
Goal BMI: <29

- Lower BMI / Lose weight
- Lower cholesterol, blood sugar and other typical "health" measurements to reduce risk of fatty liver, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. 
- Maintain a healthy diet to improve skin health and digestive health
- Have more energy
- Save money (restaurants and alcohol are expensive!)

Smart Points / Day: 33
Weekly Bonus Points: 42
Fit Point Goal: 31

My coach is Joann. She is from Monday and has lost 75+ pounds with WW. Our first "session" was earlier today at 11:30am. Coaching is a really neat feature, allowing you to connect via phone or email with your coach as little or as much as possible. We discussed my assessment and goals. Each week, it is my understanding, we will create an action plan together. 

- I will plan ahead my meals throughout the week. 
- I will follow the plan (so I don't waste food or spend extra money - currently have a fridge full of healthy options)
- I will have a plan in place so I can relax and enjoy myself by Saturday (I have a work party Saturday that I'm worried about due to food/drink choices)

My hope is to use this blog to document my experience and have a place to reflect on how these changes are influencing my life. 

"Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip toe if you must, but take the step."