Sunday, February 1, 2015

Day 14

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

I figured it would be un-American of me to not celebrate the Super Bowl in some way, shape or form. Since Super Bowl Sunday is usually filled with lots of alcohol and overeating, I thought I would make some of my favorite foods that I used to over-eat... BUT make healthier, 21 Day Fix approved versions of them!

Cauliflower Pizza Crust / Hawaiian Pizza
The recipe for the crust can be found here. I topped my pizza with leftover sauce from my Spinach Lasagna rolls, low-sodium ham, turkey bacon, pineapple, green pepper and mozzarella cheese. If you follow me on Pinterest, I have a few different recipes and topping ideas pinned, but this one fit my container needs best for today. While this did not turn out as well as I hoped - it was still edible. I think I needed to dry the cauliflower more before baking it next time. All in all, it was a good way to squeeze in some veggies to replace a yellow carb container. 

Containers: 2 green, 1 red, 1/4 purple, 1/2 blue

Buffalo Chicken Dip
One of my favorite recipes - but oh so bad for me. Thankfully, I found some hacks on Pinterest. The recipe can be found here. I made the tortilla chips from a whole grain tortilla instead of corn ones.  This was pretty similar to the original recipe. It got a little runny after sitting for a bit, I blame that on the Greek yogurt. But I would definitely make this again - maybe even forever!

Containers: 1 red, 1/2 blue, 1 yellow

Zucchini Chips
The recipe for these can be found here. I do not have a dehydrator, so I made these in the oven. I ended up snacking on these throughout my time in the kitchen. They tasted pretty similar to regular chips minus the small zucchini taste which was expected! Some of them fell apart a bit because I surprisingly cut them too thin! I'm a grazer when I cook so this was a great alternative. 

Containers: 1-2 green, 2-3 tsps (olive oil)

Today marks the end of the second week of my 21 Day Adventure! I am going to treat myself to my banana ice cream recipe from last week. Since it's Sunday that means Yoga Fix was my workout for the day. I did my workout before the big game while my zucchini chips baked and before I started the pizza and dip recipes. I wanted to be able to watch the whole game and all the commercials! Plus working out before bed might decrease the chances of me getting up and working out in the morning for my doubles workout week. I'm still deciding if I want to commit to it or not. I am excited to weigh myself and measure my progress tomorrow morning. I also think I want to try on my bridesmaid dress on to see if I feel any differences in it. It would be super motivating if I did! 

Well, that's all for tonight! I want to finish watching the game. Go PATS! :) 

If you read this in time, you should try this Super Bowl workout! :)


  1. Loved catching up on your journey today! Your new recipes look really yummy!! Go girl

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