Thursday, January 29, 2015

Day 11

Sorry - no pictures of meals today. All of my meals were pretty rushed, but I managed to stay within my limits so I am proud of myself! Here's the breakdown:

4 slices of turkey bacon (1 red)
berry mixture (1 purple)
cooked steel cut oatmeal (1 yellow) (1 tsp honey + cinnamon)

Spinach Lasagna roll up (1/2 yellow, 1 green, 1/2 red, 1/2 blue) *I only had one roll up, serving size = 2 roll ups
carrots (1 green)

Supper or DINNER as some people say ;)
PB & Banana Sandwich (2 yellow, 1 purple, 5 teaspoons)
carrots (1 green)

berry mixture (1 purple)
yogurt (1 red)
10 pistachios (1/2 blue)

I will continue to have a cup of green tea with breakfast and before bed. I also wanted to comment on the outcome of my cooked steel cut oatmeal. It was really tasty! I added just a bit of water to warm it up in the microwave and added a teaspoon of honey and some cinnamon. I think it would be really, really good if I added bananas or apples to the warm oatmeal. Perhaps tomorrow?

I am really tired tonight. My workout was Pilates Fix, which might be my favorite one. It is intense and I feel my muscles working, but it also has a relaxing component to it. I think I might also be tired because my protein wasn't a lot of meat today so my energy level was low before even working out. 

Two small things I want to comment on today. The first thing is that I gave up drinking pop aka soda cold turkey when I started my 21 Day Fix. I was hesitant to do this for fear of caffeine withdrawal, but I honestly haven't noticed. A classmate was drinking Dr. Pepper tonight in class and I noticed. I was like "Oh wow, I haven't had pop in 11 days." Crazy thing is, I honestly haven't missed it! I think our bodies are incredible knowing the fact that we stop craving things if we stop eating them! Who knew it was so easy?? Second thing - I feel like I'm saving money by meal planning and packing my meals when I have to eat outside of the house. Granted - mom pays for all the groceries so that is super helpful but I'm still not spending the minimum of $5 a week stopping at fast food restaurants or getting snacks from vending machines. The idea of saving money is motivating because I have a lot of exciting events coming up worth saving for - Bachelorette Party in Nashville, moving back to Indy in August and I recently purchased the Klipsch 2015 Country Megaticket! So if you're looking for motivation to start the 21 Day Fix - here are two (from my experience): 

1. Reduce cravings for unhealthy foods and beverages
2. Save money (possibly - depending on your grocery bill) 

Those are just two of the many benefits that adopting a healthier lifestyle can bring you! I say healthier because I believe it can be done in small baby steps. I thought about starting my 21 Day Fix for a few months before I actually started. This allowed me to start making small changes and notice things before committing to the program. I believe that is what helped me be able to stay so committed so far. If you want me to get all counseling/therapy on you, we can look at Prochaska and DiClemente's Stages of Change Model. For the longest time, I was in the Contemplation stage. I have always been concerned with my weight and body image, so Precontemplation was never even in the picture (thanks society!). Preparation is typically the longest and hardest stage for many people, regardless of the behavior you're targeting and looking to change. Action is currently where I am at... I'm practicing these new, desired behaviors. Eventually everyone works towards Maintenance. I hope to reach this stage by the end of 2015. I do not want healthy eating and exercising to be something I'm simply trying out - I want it to be MY lifestyle, for good. 

Well everyone - this post ended up being a lot longer than anticipated. And I'm going to be honest, I'm watching my DVRed Grey's Anatomy premiere from tonight. But have no fear, I will provide some motivation. I always try to include something funny, something regarding food, something about fitness and one overall inspirational quote. I hope you can use at least one of them to start making some changes in your habits! As always, thanks for the continued support! :)

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