Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Day 3

Day 3 was another success - so far! I resisted all the delicious temptations at Kim's. For real, if you've never been - check out her website. If that isn't enough to convince you... look at these bad boys.

Seriously - resisting these is a small miracle for me. I was sure to pack snacks and lunch for when I was at work to help reduce my cravings. After work I went to Lancaster to donate blood, but my iron was too low. I was super bummed. Tonight was the first night I felt a "binge" coming on... I just wanted to go into the kitchen and start snacking on everything. Instead I readjusted my dinner idea to include a more flavorful, satisfying supper. Instead of plain chicken breast, quinoa and a salad I created a Mexican-fajita plate.

(2 red, 2 yellow, 1 green)

Tonight's workout is lower-fix. I'm still pretty sore from Monday and Tuesday so I'm nervous for this workout, but hey... just gotta do it! Water intake was low today - whoops! Also, I'm finding that I enjoy posting everyday. So feel free to skip some of my posts if you're getting bored or annoyed!

Here's today's motivation: 

I really like this one because "self-care" is constantly drilled into counselors-in-training heads. I wrote an entire research paper over the importance of it last semester, but still struggle to find something I enjoy doing. While I'm still working to enjoy this new regimen, it's still a form of self-care because I am literally taking care of myself. If you're having trouble fitting in your workouts, simply write it into your schedule. Seeing it as a regular part of your day will make it seem like no big deal, which leads me to one more motivational picture today:

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