Sunday, January 25, 2015

Day 7


2 turkey bacon
1 over-easy egg 
1 slice WG bread (toast)
green tea

4 oz. sirloin steak
mixed veggie stir fry (seasoned with Mediterranean 21-Day Seasoning Mix)
brown rice
olive oil (2 tsp)
flavored Sparkling water (0 calories - so it's 21-Day approved)

chicken (2 servings)
tomato sauce
WG spaghetti 
low moisture mozzarella cheese
steamed broccoli
flavored Sparkling water 

PB (2 tsp)
sweet treat - Oatmeal Banana Cookies
green tea

Today's Workout: Yoga Fix

Again, I am under my container allowance for the day but I have felt full and satisfied all day. It's crazy how healthy, whole food can make your body feel so much better! Mom and I went to the grocery again today. We spent just over $120 but everything we bought was fairly healthy. No processed foods or snackies or junk food! While eating healthy is expensive, it has definitely been worth it over the last 7 days. I'm officially 1/3 of the way through the program. I will be posting my progress in pounds and inches tomorrow!

Last night on Pinterest I discovered I could buy a variety pack of the Shakeology flavors. I decided to go ahead and do this so I can see if I like them. If they prove to be worth the $120 for the 30 day supply, I might purchase some to use throughout my next two fixes that I have planned. They are tentatively scheduled for March 9 - 29 and May 11 - 31. I am hoping to continue my workouts and healthy eating even when not "on" the fix, so I might not need to have those dates lined out but I will just in case. They fall between Spring Break and Amy's Bridal Shower, then between the Bachelorette Party and WEDDING! The variety pack should be here by next week so I can incorporate it into my last week of meals. 

I have some new ideas on my menu this week: chicken salad with crackers, BLTs, cauliflower pizza crust, buffalo chicken dip and lasagna roll-ups. However, I couldn't find whole-grain lasagna at Wal-Mart so that recipe might need to be altered somehow. All these mentioned recipes are 21-Day fix approved - Pinterest is AMAZING. Follow me if you need PINspiration. :) Click here for my Pinterest board for the 21 day fix.

Lastly, I have an image with more information about the 21 day fix if you're interested in starting your own journey!

Today's motivation: 

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